Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Concert Review for Trivium

Trivium's Frontman, Matt Heafy, at SXSW 2012 at Waterloo Records
(Photo Taken By:  Mary Allen)

 Trivium is what I like to call a heeeaaavvvyyy show.

Blaring loud guitars, gut busting drums and growling vocals with sometimes screaming vocals made Trivium a definite crowd favorite Wednesday, March 14 at 4pm at Waterloo Records.

One of the reasons Trivium was such a crowd favorite was their interaction with the audience.  Frontman, Matt Heafy, stepped up to the mic and said, "There's a simple rule for a Trivium show.  Whatever we do up here, y'all do down there, because we only do that much better".

Trivium hasn't performed at SXSW since 2005 and their show March 14 at Waterloo made up for their long absence.

During the show Heafy asked the audience members to raise their hands if this was their first Trivium show.  My observation by the show of hands was that this was pretty much everyone's first time seeing Trivium.

I learned that its hard to find metal bands at SXSW or at least 'good' metal bands.  Like Heafy said up on stage, "Metal bands don't do this shit anymore."

I interviewed two audience members after the Trivium show who neither one had ever seen Trivium perform.  "It was fun.  They really got the crowd into it," said Kayleigh.  Another audience member also agreed that the band was fun and commented, "There are no hard rock shows at SXSW," said Josh.

So, finally a hard rock show and a heeeaaavvvyyy show at SXSW that was good or better yet great!

Trivium Home Website

Trivium Facebook

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