Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Concert Review for fun.

fun. at Waterloo Records at SXSW 2012

The fun. show was jam-packed and wall-to-wall on Wednesday, March 14 at Waterloo Records.

Everyone in Austin wanted to be a part of the fun. (pun intended) The place was so overflown with people that Waterloo Records Security had to bring in two Austin City policemen to clear a pathway down the sidewalk by the stores.

And even though audience members were cramped on space that didn't stop them from having a good ol' fun. time.  And that didn't stop fun. either.

At least from what I could hear and barely see, because I'm only five foot tall and with the place so overcrowded with people it was hard for me to get a peek of the all the fun.  This was my first fun. show and I've never heard of the band until that day.  So, I didn't catch names with the faces. :(

fun.'s frontman started out singing a song solo on the keys.  Then on the second song the guitarist came out and fun.'s frontman encouraged the crowd on the mic by telling the sing along if they knew the words.

By the third song the whole band was out there giving a solid performance.  fun.'s frontman got on the mic to interact with the crowd.  "This is our second show at SXSW or third show...shit," said fun.'s frontman.

fun.'s performance was pretty solid.  They're definitely a band that interacts with the crowd and makes sure to get them involved into their performance.

fun.'s Homewebsite

fun.'s Facebook

fun.'s Youtube.com channel

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